Get to know us
Are you curious about the Salvation Army in Norway? Here you can learn more about who we are, what we do, the history behind us, and the various ways you can participate and contribute.
Who we are
The Salvation Army provides strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
We are a Christian church, movement, and organisation that works in over 130 countries and has a total of 300 units throughout Norway.
Through generous and inclusive meeting places, we contribute to social commitment, belonging and faith. Our doors are open to all – children, young people, adults, families, and the elderly.
What we do
Through our work we can identify needs for assistance, and many people also contact us directly for help. You’ll find us on the streets, in people’s homes or at one of our many facilities and venues or at our church and community centres (corps).
The Salvation Army's work varies from place to place and is formed by the needs of the various communities we're working in at any given time. We provide services to communities as a non-profit organisation with private and public partners. The Norwegian welfare state is extensive and covers most of society's needs, but there are still needs that are not met by local or national government.
In Norway, we are pioneers in several important areas in the development of the welfare state and we have in-depth knowledge of the challenges and needs on the fringes of society. Taking social responsibility and a leadership role as social entrepreneurs is in our DNA.
Our history
The movement was started in London in 1865 by Catherine and William Booth. In a city characterised by poverty, alcoholism, need and violence, they wanted to proclaim God’s love and give hope to the people who lived there. They quickly found that actions speak louder than words, and they eventually took on widespread social work under the motto 'Soup, soap and salvation'. The goal was not only to preach about eternal life after death but to give people a new life and a chance to develop and grow in this life. Food on the table, a roof over your head, work and a sense of community became important ingredients in giving hope and an opportunity for a dignified life to those who didn't have much.
The movement was eventually called the Salvation Army and it quickly spread throughout the UK and into Europe and the rest of the world. The Salvation Army officially started in Norway in 1888, a time with a lot of poverty and social challenges.
Since then, the Salvation Army has worked on the fringes of society to identify needs and meet them in the best possible way. The message is based on the Bible, where service is motivated by God’s love for us, by our love of God and by compassion.
Would you like to join us?
There are many ways to be involved or contribute to the Salvation Army.
We have room for anyone who wants to stand with us and make a difference.
Do you want a Christian network and a place to worship? Then you are most welcome in the Salvation Army's church and community centre (corps). Our events, services and other activities will vary from place to place – and they are open to everyone. Most of our churches have a selection of activities for children and young people in addition to Bible studies, music groups and meetings for the elderly.
Wouldn't it be nice to talk to someone about your beliefs and your doubts, or someone who will serve you a meal and a hot cup of coffee?
You don't need to have a formal connection to Salvation Army – everyone is welcome!
If you would like a formal connection, we have several forms of membership: Regular members, members of the faith community and soldiers.
Contribute as a volunteer
To make everyday life better and the holidays a ray of hope for as many people as possible, we need lots of warm hearts, wise minds, safe hands, and steady feet.
You don't need to be an employee or member to volunteer in the Salvation Army, and you can contribute as little or as much as you like. But if you are able to commit to a set timeslot every week, or to a certain number of hours over a given period of time, it is easier for us to find tasks for you - and you may find the experience more meaningful.
Volunteers are offered a course giving information about the Salvation Army and volunteer work.
Employment at the Salvation Army
Are you our new colleague? We need dedicated and qualified employees in a number of different fields, such as social workers, nurses, kindergarten assistants and IT consultants.
You can find vacancies at www.frelsesarmeen.no/jobb
You can be a volunteer or employee at the Salvation Army regardless of your outlook and orientation. Our shared values are described in our Book of Values, where the principle of charity stands strong.
Support us
The Salvation Army relies on financial support in order to carry out our extensive work amongst the people who reach out to us. Your support helps make a difference for even more people who need help with food, clothing, care, and community.
How to make a donation:
VIPPS 2309
Donation account: 3000 15 07350
Spesialpris til fantastiske strikkere
Strikkerne til prosjektet Sokker som varmer fikk en velfortjent anerkjennelse da de vant en helt egen pris på Fundraisingskonferansen.
Bjørkhagen – et trygt sted å vokse til
Huset i Trondheim er hjem for fire tenåringer. – Barna kommer med belastninger og opplevelser som ikke har gjort dem godt. Vår oppgave er å bygge relasjoner med dem, bygge tillit, trygghet og gi dem ro, sier Cecilie Elmkvist, avdelingsleder på Bjørkhagen.
– Ikke stå alene i problemene dine!
– Åpenhet er første steget for å komme seg ut av fattigdomssirkelen, sier forbrukerøkonom og programleder Silje Sandmæl. – Hvis snøballen begynner å rulle, så kan det gå fort, og den kan bli så tung at den ikke kan bæres alene. Ikke stå alene i problemene dine.