Home-delivered hope
When people can't come to the army, major Miriam brings the army to people.
The Salvation Army´s work continues in Norway during the corona crisis. At the moment, the whole country is in lockdown, and the government has imposed the harshest regulations on the population since World War 2.
Major Miriam Óskarsdottir in the town of Kopervik on the west coast of Norway, was one of the corps leaders who were quick to create simple services and encouragements through social media.
But there was still one more group in the fellowship she was eager to reach; elderly who are isolated or cannot go out themselves, and especially those who are not on social media.
– It started spontaneously when I was to take a walk, and it occurred to me that I could visit someone I knew was in isolation. When I got there, I ran her on my cell, asking her to come out into the balcony. The singing just happened spontaneously.
The next day she and her colleague through many years, Aslaug Langgård, visited an apartment building where they knew several of the tenants. They also had called them in advance, encouraging them to gather in the windows and balconies.
– Suddenly there were two wonderful ladies outside, singing for us. It was especially joyful in times like these, Berit Sørvaag, one of the listeners, commented.
During one of her walks, Miriam also stumbled upon a journalist from the local newspaper who made this little video for the website of Haugesunds Avis.
Varsko om rus og sykdom i norske fengsler
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