Teamleader for Dynamo
Tonje Ringvold has a broad experience in working with children and youth. Here you can get to know her a little.
Tonje Ringvold has a bachelor in Theology and leadership, with specialization in youth work, from the University, as well as a bachelor's degree in social anthropology from UiO.
"I can't wait to get to know the new applicants! Tonje says. When asked what to expect from a year at Dynamo, she replies:
– Prepare for lots of fun, lots of impressions and lots of great conversations within the team!
Tonje has worked in various jobs in the Salvation Army since 2014, and has good experience with corps and child and youth work.
– I will have some of the teaching, but we will also get to know a lot of good and wonderful people from the Salvation Army or other organizations," she says.
Tonje is 29 years old, married to Harald, loves football and esports, and is very fond of music and walking her dog Lexi.
She also loves to travel, and it comes in handy in this job.
"We will visit many great places in Norway and Iceland to see how the Salvation Army works in different ways. Dynamo is going to be an exciting year with many experiences, a steep learning curve and plenty of time to get to know God and yourself better," says the team leader, smiling.
– Jula blir tannløs uten påsken!
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Hjertelag for folk og Trondheim by
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