Fills Town with Teddies
The Salvation Army´s Ester van Gooswilligen wanted to help families be more active during corona.
The Salvation Army in Norway is engaged in many ways in helping through the corona crisis; also in making every day life easier for isolated families during the national lockdown. In Egersund, corps leader Ester Danielsdottir van Gooswilligen encouraged the local community to place teddybears in windows.
– Now the families have a lot less to do to get through the days, says Ester.
– But a teddy hunt in the neighbourhood is easy, helps being active and can be a great motivation to go out and do something together - on a safe distance from others.
The idea spread
Se quickly got the front page of local newspaper Dalane Tidende to share her initiative, which has quickly spread.
– It´s already in the neighbouring municipalities. An competition element in it all can be to see how many teddies one is able to find in windows per walk. The record so far is as far as I know 73 teddies in a 1,5 hour walk, she smiles.
Ester encourages The Salvation Army also elsewhere to enter into similar initiatives through their networks where appropriate.
Ildsjel for inkluderende idrett
Som liten lurte Adnan Naeem seg inn i Romsåshallen for å spille fotball. På treninger stilte han i pappas gamle tennissokker. Dyre fotballstrømper var ikke aktuelt. Nå sørger han for at både hallen og idretten er åpen for alle.
Familie på fem fikk julen i gave
Han finner ikke ord. Småbarnsfaren trodde at de «bare» skulle hente gavekort på mat. Men på Frelsesarmeen i Kongsvinger hadde de i all hemmelighet søkt spesielt om støtte til denne familien. Det ble ei jul de aldri glemmer.
En venn på øret
– Jeg har forstått at Gud er virkelig, og at han bryr seg om meg, sier den prisnominerte radioprogramlederen Martin Engamo.